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  1. EMMY - 25.08.2020

  2. FIFI - 13.11.2020

  3. Sobre - 20.11.2020

  4. Impayé - 19.12.2020

  5. Jeune Menthe - 24.12.2020

  6. High With You - 12.02.2021

  7. Prendre soin de - 26.02.2021

  8. Cercles - 12.03.2021

  9. Les lumières s'allument - 

  10. Mieux maintenant -

  11. Tout ce dont nous avons besoin -

  12. Typique - 

Copy of EMMY.jpg
FIFI - Made with PosterMyWall.jpg
Copy of rap mixtape cover art design template.jpg
Copy of Night Street Snow cover design template.jpg
Copy of bad boy mixtape cover art design template.jpg
Copy of Album cover 6.jpg
Care for Album cover 3000X3000. IMG_3062-2.jpg
Album cover Cercles 3000x3000 px.IMG_3060-2.jpg
Cover Light comes up.jpg
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